The easiest way to earn Championship Points is by entering and placing in shows! Horse-Art Role Playing Game type Phae participate in shows following the same basic principles of HARPG and other mounted ARPGs. HARPG type Phae are welcome to enter Realm of Elephaea group shows, member-hosted Phae-only shows, or shows which are open to the general ARPG community as long as Phae are allowed to enter.


RNG based, effort based, or special class based shows are welcome to be created so long as they fall within the rules defined below.


Group Hosted Shows

Several times a year, the group hosts shows for HARPG type Phae to enter. These include both full shows, usually held once a year, and minishows which are typically held more frequently.


Full shows are shows which require full-body or 1000+ word entries. They are judged based on effort and a number of other criteria; RNG (random number generator) plays only a very small role in the judging. These shows are for showing your Phae at their very best at a variety of challenging disciplines, and they typically have some substantial prizes for those who outshine the competition!


Mini shows are shows which have lower entry requirements and more “fun” type classes. These have a much higher RNG component to their judging. Though they still offer some tasty prizes, they are less substantial than the prizes offered for full shows.


To find if the group is hosting a full show or mini show, be sure to watch or join the Realm-of-Elaphaea group on dA!


General Show Rules

In order to count for CP, a class within a show must EITHER:

  • Have a run time of at least one week (7 days) OR
  • Have at least three entrants (these can all belong to the same player)
  • The discipline should be a recognized equine competition discipline


“Ghost Phae” or NPCs count towards this total, as long as they are judged or rolled on the same system as PC Phae (cannot be “auto last place”)

Approved Effort Shows

Approved Effort Shows are member-hosted shows which require a little bit more effort from their entrants! Because they go the extra mile, entrants can earn rewards donated by the group. These can be one-time shows or rolling shows, but each round must meet the class requirements in order to qualify.


First place winners in group-approved effort shows can claim a basic multiple-choice token from the group for free! To participate, the show must be certified by the group as an Approved Effort Show, the individual class requirements must be met and the winner must contact the group to claim their prize.


Show Requirements:

In order to be certified as an Approved Effort Show, the show must meet the following show requirements:

  • Have no more than 15% of the show judged by RNG
  • Judging rubric must be posted
  • Require a minimum of full-body or 1000+ word literature entries
  • The show’s host cannot enter their own show


To have your show certified, note the group with the following form:

Title: Approved Effort Show Verification

Link to the show journal/information:


An admin will leave a certification comment on the journal so that entrants know that the show has been officially certified and is an eligible Approved Effort Show. You should link this comment as proof of certification and keep the note for your records.


Please note: We reserve the right to change or add to the list of requirements.


Class Requirements

Each individual qualifying class must also have:

  • No more than two entered Phae owned by the same player
  • At least five total entries for halter, liberty or costume type classes
  • At least three total entries for all other class types
  • The discipline should be a recognized equine competition discipline


Prize Claiming

To claim the multiple choice token prize, the winner must note the group with the following information:

Title: Approved Effort Show Prize Claim

Link to the show’s certification comment:

Link to all of the class’s entries or proof that the class requirements have been met:

Link to proof of 1st place win: