Companions and Taming

Companions and Taming


Of course, Phae are not the only animal that lives in their realm! From the smallest bird to the large brown bear, Elaphaea has many animals living among the different herds, in and out of the water. 


Phae, being intelligent creatures, often befriend the small animals that occupy their realm. They may make friends just for companionship – or they might need to train a little pal to help with hairdressing and other fiddly tasks!



  • Peacocks, pheasants, mongooses (though they can be mean), geese, cranes, red pandas, and in some places in the Shrouded Peaks, macques, and many more typically found in the shatter isle. Eastern and/or Southeastern Asia ( Japan and South Korea, with influences from Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam)



  • Rabbits, squirrels, gophers, ringtails, hedgehogs, bats, goats, mongoose, baboons, mice, and many more can be found in the desert isle. Sandy, shrubland Deserts (Sahara, Gobi, Arabian, Great Australian, Great Basin/Mojave Deserts)



  • Most tropical animals can be found in vinelocke, from toads and ants to larger animals like peacocks and tapirs can be found. Tropical Rainforests (Amazon and Congo)



  • Most mountain and broadleaf forest animals found in Stonemire include owls, otters, martins, beavers, rabbits, hares, skunks, squirrels, raccoons, some snakes, ravens, crows, and hummingbirds. Alpine Mountains and Temperate Forests (Pacific Northwest in Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and California. Also includes the Appalachian area.)



  • Helmfirth has a mass majority of wildlife, from coniferous forest critters to those that live alongside the ocean. On the forest side you can find the following foxes, brown bears, wolves, weasels, badgers, lynxes, martins, rabbits, small rodents, and bats. On the tundra side, you can find some sea birds, arctic foxes, and various types of bears. Arctic or Antarctic tundra and Coniferous Forest. (Siberia, Greenland, and Northern Edge of Canada; or South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands, and Kerguelen Islands.)


Predators make lousy pets! D: While it is possible (in some cases) to have predators as pets, your character’s kingdom and herdmates may react badly if a dangerous predator is brought too close to the herd!


Each animal falls into different categories when it comes to companions!

  • Small herbivorous native pets 
  • Small herbivorous non-native pets 
  • Small omnivorous native pets 
  • Small omnivorous non-native pets 
  • Medium herbivorous native pets
  • Medium herbivorous non-native
  • Medium omnivorous native pets
  • Medium omnivorous non-native
  • Small native carnivorous pets
  • Small non-native carnivorous pets
  • Medium native carnivores pets
  • Medium non-native carnivores pets
  • Large native carnivores pets

RoE Definition and Glossary 

**Please note that there is some overlap with omnivores and carnivores but it will be based on their main diet.


What is a Carnivore?

  • A carnivore, in TEA, is classed as any animal that eats meat (aka protein) as its main source of food. This includes eating red meat, fish, any kind of shellfish, or insects for 90% of their diet.


What is an Insect Carnivore (aka Insectivore)?

  • An insectivore is a carnivorous animal that mostly eats insects, grubs, or worms instead of red meat or fish. At this time, they will be treated the same as normal carnivores in terms of taming or purchasing.


What kinds of Carnivores can my Phae have? Are there limitations?

  • Small carnivores include some smaller types of birds (falcons, kingfishers, ets), toads, or animals under 10lbs (5kg-ish); they tend to eat smaller birds, rodents, frogs, small fish, and insects.
  • Medium-sized carnivores include hawks, eagles, most snakes, or animals between 10-80lbs (5-40kg-ish); these animals typically feed on rodents, birds, eggs, fish, and toads.
  • Large carnivores include wolves, big cats, large snakes (anacondas, pythons and constrictors), and bears (for TEA, bears are classified as carnivores), or any animals over 80lbs (40kg-ish). A large carnivore can hunt down large herbivores (AKA Phae).


What is an Omnivore?

  • An omnivore is classed as any animal that eats both plants and meat. This does not mean an even 50/50 split on their diet. So long as meat makes up less than 70-80% of their diet, the animal will be classed omnivores. (Animals must be able to obtain both energy and nutrients from plant and animal materials to be considered omnivorous)


What kinds of Omnivore my Phae can have? Are there limitations?

  • Small omnivores include many types of bird, lizards, turtles, or animals under 10lbs (5kg-ish); they tend to eat leaves, berries, insects, seeds, worms/larva, and nuts.
  • Medium-sized omnivores include raccoons, opossums, sloths, or animals between 10-80lbs (5-40kg-ish); they tend to eat shrubs, roots, fish, fruits, and nuts.
  • Large omnivores include pigs, monkeys, cassowaries, or animals over 80lbs (40kg-ish); they eat everything above along with bark and some smaller animals (aka toads/frogs or finches/small birds).


What is a Herbivore?

  • A herbivore is classed as an animal that eats only plants or plant-by-products (nectar, pollen, seeds, etc).


What kinds of Herbivore my Phae can have? Are there limitations?

  • Small herbivores include rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels, mice, and animals under 10lbs (5kg-ish); they tend to eat grasses, shrubs, seeds, and nuts. 
  • Medium-sized herbivores, such as sheep, goats, or animals between 10-80lbs (5-40kg-ish); they tend to eat shrubby vegetation, leaves, and grasses.
  • There are no large hoofed herbivores living in Elaphaea that are larger than a Phae. But! There are actually other large animals like; elephants, camels, tapirs, or animals over 80lbs (40kg-ish) can be found! There are limitations for elephants; Because of their natural intelligence, elephants are not a tame-able pet, but rather a gentle soul looking to befriend. They view phae as adorable critters that are generally kind to them. Elephants are generally morally good. They’ll help you cause mischief, but won’t help you hurt anyone unless you’re in danger. But be warned, should your phae wrong an elephant there’s a good chance that elephant will come back and give them karma. Any phae that attempts to or steals a calf will be met with severe punishment as the family herd will not rest till the calf is found, leaving destruction in their wake.


What does native mean?

  • A native animal is an animal that can be found in the character’s Kingdom/Isle. 
  • Animals from each kingdom correspond to the following specific ecosystems:
    • Desert: Sandy, shrubland Deserts (Sahara, Gobi, Arabian, Great Australian, Great Basin/Mojave Deserts)
    • Jungle: Tropical Rainforests (Amazon and Congo)
    • Shattered Islands: Eastern and/or Southeastern Asia (Japan and South Korea, with influences from Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam)
    • Tundra: Arctic or Antarctic tundra and Eurasia Coniferous Forest. (Russia, Siberia, Greenland, and Northern Edge of Canada; South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands, and Kerguelen Islands.)
    • Mountains: Alpine Mountains here, and Temperate Forests (Pacific Northwest in Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and California.)


What does non-native mean?

  • A non-native animal is an animal that is found/lives in a different Kingdom/Isle, but is still native within TEA.


What does shipwrecked mean?

  • Shipwrecked animals are human domesticated animals that can not be found anywhere in TEA. They can only be found during group events or bought with a special token. They can not be bought with normal bacon or tokens.


What is a unique companion pet?

  • Unique companion pets are pets that can only be found during group events or bought with a special token. They can not be bought with normal bacon or tokens. Currently, there are three (3) kinds of unique companion available;
    • Non-Native TEA Pets are animals not found anywhere in TEA, but are not human domesticated, for example a grassland/savanna animal.
    • Spirit Pets are pets that are usually only allowed to Necromancy magic phae, but with a special token, any non-Necromancy magic phae to have the spirit of any animal in TEA to be attached to them. This pet is visible to all and does not require Necromancy magic.
    • Fantasy Pets are normal animals that are from within the TEA ecosystems that have very unique attributes. For example, a nine tailed fox.

Things to keep in mind

  • While a lot of new species are now possible, keep in mind that your phae’s kingdom may still frown upon characters who try to bring predators close to the herd! Killing a pet that is considered dangerous will bring no consequences. If a pet hurts or even kills another phae, it may however see consequences for the phae keeping the pet too.
  • All medium and large pets should be tamed at a reasonably young age so they can form a bond with your character but old enough to feed themselves if they are not herbivorous. Phae cannot hunt enough meat to keep them reliably fed on their own!
  • Pets should also be able to survive in the kingdom/isle the character lives in. (Example; a typical or tundra pet would not survive in the desert because of lack of water and heat.)
  • Please ask if you’re not sure what category a pet fits into! We are happy to answer any questions.
  • A partial list of species found in each kingdom and their bacon price can be found here: Elaphaea Animals; if you have a question about a species not listed here, note the group!


How to tame an animal

  • Draw or write your phae either finding an animal/an egg and how they go around taming them! Depending on the rarity of the animal, dermines on the number of RPs you need to make to finally “tame” the animal and make them your new found friend. Please see below the different levels and number of RPs required.
  • If your chosen animal requires more than one RP, you can split the RPs into different steps such as: Finding them, getting close, their reaction, you trying to get closer, you finally making them friendly etc – do take liberty in how your phae does it!
  • Each RP needs to meet the RP requirement: 
    • 400 words minimum for each character or,
    • Partial body + Background
    • The lit or art needs to feature the animal or reference to it. 
  • Once you’re ready, submit your RPs to this FORM and a mod will get in touch to confirm, or if we need any changes! Simple as that!


Gaining the Taming Skill

That’s right! This event also starts your phae on the path to earning a taming skill level! For each try a phae makes to tame an animal, success or fail, your phae will now earn taming points! This will then give your phae an easier try the next time they want to bring a new pet home, so each encounter counts towards the future. Phae can also own more animals the higher their taming level is.


Taming Skill

  • No Level
      • No notable skill in taming, success is up to chance.
  • Basic
      • Increased success by 10%.
  • Medium
      • Increased success by 20%.
  • Advanced
      • Increased success by 40%.
      • Increases the number of animals one phae is allowed to own, see below.
  • Master
      • Increased success by 90%.
  • Legendary
      • All taming is successful, 100%.
  • Divine
    • Determined on a case-by-case basis with Divine Circumstances.


What is the max number of animals my phae can own?

  • Small; Under 10lbs/5kg, 
    • Advanced Taming = 15 
    • No Level = 6
  • Medium; 10-80lbs/5-40kg; 
    • Advance Taming = 10 
    • No Level = 3 
  • Large; Above 80lbs/40kg; 
    • Advance taming = 5 
    • No level = 1, maybe 2 depending on the animal in question.


Difficulty Level and Number of RPs

Common – 1 RP

  • Small native herbivorous pets 
  • Small native omnivores pets


Uncommon – 2 RPs

  • Small non-native herbivorous pets 
  • Small non-native omnivores pets
  • Medium native herbivorous pets


Rare – 3 RPs

  • Medium non-native herbivorous pets
  • Medium native omnivores pets
  • Medium non-native omnivores pets
  • Small native carnivorous pets


Ultra-Rare – 4 RPs

  • Large native omnivores pets
  • Large native herbivorous pets
  • Small non-native carnivorous pets
  • Medium native carnivores pets


Famed – 5 RPs

  • Large non-native omnivores pets
  • Large non-native herbivorous pets
  • Medium non-native carnivores pets
  • Large native carnivores pets


*Note; it is not possible to tame non-native large carnivore pets at this time.*