The deities of Stonemire have little presence in their day-to-day lives, and belief in these deities is a polarizing topic, especially where S’ral is concerned. Many phae in the Lowland splinter have lost belief in the neutral deity, while those in the mountains still follow them with zeal. Orvanna is a similar story mostly considered to be nothing more than a superstitious tale among the miners.
[suh-RALL] | they/them/he/him
Not much is known about the neutral deity of Stonemire. They are only spoken of in distant legend for their role in the war of the deities at the turn of the Dark Age. Opinions on them differ as well– some believe they are a kind deity who cared so much about their people that they used every last ounce of their strength to protect them, others might interpret the deity as lazy, or having abandoned them. They haven’t been around for anyone to be right.
S’ral the Slumbering – deity of neutrality and stone
S’ral isn’t around these days, as they used a great deal of their power erecting a natural barrier between their land and conquering Mirroweld. The only thing that is known for certain is that they were so driven to prevent invasion via sea routes to the west, they bent the very earth itself to their will for miles. Their lack of presence in the lives of the phae on their land means those born of pure blood lack any natural magical talent besides their innate telekinetic abilities. No one knows or remembers what the magic of this island was, as it seems to have fallen asleep with the deity themself. Maybe when they awaken, magic will return to their land.
How Stonemire views them:
S’ral is without flaw, and to emulate them is divine. Protecting those who need protecting, being strong, and remaining impassable, like the mountains themselves, are all things that the local phae deem appropriate worship. As they have no real basis for how their deity is in personality, they simply try to behave as S’ral behaved in legend. They are zealous in their worship, believing that the stronger their belief is, the more power they give to their deity to eventually awaken them from their slumber. This rigid belief is part of what drove division between them and the Lowlanders.
How the Lowlanders view them:
Due to the traumatic splitting of the two herds, many of the Lowlanders have lost faith in the deity of the Neutral due to how radical it has made some of the herd. However, many of the founding members still do believe in the deity due to their past. The worship of S’ral isn’t as widely practiced within the Lowlanders as it is in the Highlands, and it tends to be more low-key. They will give thanks to S’ral’s bounties and blessings whenever a harvest is good or the mountains help disperse a storm or provide them natural shelter. They do not live and breathe each day and moment for their deity – they have their own lives to lead, and while S’ral is responsible for ensuring their lives are around to live, they are not omnipresent in the modern time. Thanks should be given and respect due where and when it is appropriate, not every waking second of the day.
Myths & Legends
[ore-VAN-uh] | she/her
Greedy, jealous, possessive, territorial, and incredibly selfish, Orvanna is a deity of little renown. She doesn’t mind that, really– all she cared about is protecting her precious ores, gems, and treasures. She prefers to remain in the depths of the mountains, deep and dark, where the pressure is deep and the glow from distant magma is the only illumination. It is also warm there, and she greatly prefers the cocooning warmth of her stone chambers to the icy cold of the high peaks.
Orvanna the covetous – deity of greed, gold, and gems
Really only here for herself, Orvanna is treated as superstition by those who explore the interior of the mountains. Old wives’ tales speak of a slithering wyrm that creeps through the caverns and old passages through the mountains, formed when S’ral rapidly erected them from deep within the earth. It’s said that when they did this, they dredged up Orvanna in the process. She was enraged by this, spewing her fire from the top of Elderfrost to express her ire, but reportedly calmed when she realized that in bringing her up from her home deep in the earth, S’ral also uncovered untold riches by dragging them up as well, bringing them closer to the surface.
How Stonemire views them:
Stonemire thinks of her with heavy superstition. It is generally good practice to leave a piece of jewelry or coins or a cut gem for her after you’ve mined out a vein. It is best to repay her with something made from that vein, but any offering will do. When a new mine is opened, it is customary to leave her a sacrifice of a small animal so that she will not take the lives of phae as they mine. Occasionally, phae deeper in mines report seeing flashes of gold, or feeling intense heat for a moment before it is gone. Some chalk it up to exposure to gas, others take it as a warning to get out before the mine collapses.
How the Lowlanders view them:
The Lowlanders don’t truly believe in the existence of Orvanna, as few of their number have experienced interactions with her. Some previous miners tell tales of encountering an otherworldly presence, but they’re largely written off by the majority of the herd. There are no deities or otherworldly beings present in Stonemire, and there hasn’t been since the Dark Age began.
Myths & Legends