Mirroweld Politics & Laws

Political System

Mirroweld operates primarily under a republican government, as all leaders are elected through herd vote but the leaders ultimately deliver judgements and pass new policies. The herd retains the ability to remove a leader if necessary, and leaders can be challenged if they are seen as unworthy, unlawful, or simply not acting in the herd’s best interest. The power of Mirroweld’s rulers is spread among the Council, which is made up of the Arch Magister and four Grand Masters. After their troubled history, no one phae may ever hold sole power again in the herd. The Council passes judgements and laws by majority vote after a trial is held. During trials, members of the herd may present evidence of guilt or innocence. It is the job of the Council to weigh the evidence, determine guilt or innocence, and pass judgment upon them.


How to Become a Ruler

The Arch Magister and Grand Masters are elected through majority vote. Each adult herd member (age 5+ years) is given a single vote to be cast on the day of election. It is seen as the duty of all phae of Mirroweld to elect their officials, as each phae must play a part in the leadership of their herd. Each phae casts their vote by signing an election scroll with their name. This method acts as a method of census as well as an archival record for the history library in the Temple of Odes.

The Arch Magister may serve up to two terms in office. Each term is three years in length. Terms may be served consecutively or intermittently, depending on how the herd votes. The Arch Magister is to be elected from among the ranks of the current Grand Masters, as they have already proven themselves to be honorable leaders.

Grand Masters may serve up to two terms in office. Each term is two years in length. Terms may be served consecutively or intermittently, depending on how the herd votes. Grand Masters may be elected from among the herd and may have been any rank, so long as their experience is appropriate.

To read more on the requirements for these ranks, check out the Ranks & Leadership page.


Herd Laws

  1. You must not inflict grievous harm onto others.
  2. No fighting will occur outside of rut and training sessions.
  3. You must not steal from another phae.
  4. No harm will be done upon adolescents (any phae under 5 years old).
  5. You must not covet or conceal information for personal power.
  6. Selling or trading information for personal gain that one learnt within the herd is considered treason.
  7. Tampering with any of the temples or shrines on the island is a sign of disrespect and lack of self control.
  8. Those without authorization are not allowed to access the locked levels of the Halls of Illumination and the Temple of Odes.
  9. No Arch Magister or Grand Master shall ever be allowed to claim sole leadership of the Mirroweld herd. The power of leadership shall remain divided among the Council.
  10. Those who know of the Inquisitor’s existence must never speak of them or their role to one who does not know of their existence.
  11. Information stored in the Halls of Illumination and the Temple of Odes must not leave its walls unless permission has been given by one of the High Sages.
  12. Intolerance towards a herd member due to their sexual, romantic, religious, or gender orientations will not be accepted.


Punishment System

As a deeply spiritual people, the Mirroweld believe that punishment should be about balance. If a phae were to injure another in body or soul, then their body and/or spirit should be injured in the same way to reflect their misdeeds. 

In the case of minor crimes, phae will be given the opportunity to submit for reformation and reflection. Successful reformation will restore their honor and clear their soul of impurities. 

More severe crimes, however, may be punishable by execution, for there is no greater sin than to extinguish another soul, and no balancing can be done. Depending on the crime, a criminal convicted of a major crime may also need to submit for reformation and reflection. These phae are often marked with a scar to reflect the severity of their crime and are only forgiven of it when the scar has been crossed out, symbolizing the complete removal of their transgressions.


Minor Crimes & Associated Punishment

  • Fighting outside of rut or training sessions.
    • Will result in a phae’s requirement to use their strength for labor for two seasons either for the herd or one of its allied herds.
  • Stealing from another Phae.
    • Will result in imprisonment in isolation on the Isle of Atonement for half a season. Punishment may be longer if the stolen possessions are not returned to their rightful owner.
  • Trying to enter the locked sections of the Halls or the Temple.
    • Will result in banishment from the Halls and the Temple for a whole season.
  • Intolerance and discrimination.
    • Will result in imprisonment in isolation on the Isle of Atonement for two seasons.
  • Minor harm unto a fawn.
    • Will result in imprisonment in isolation on the Isle of Atonement for two seasons and the fawn will be placed into the care of another phae if the fawn belongs to the transgressor. Additionally, the transgressor will be banned from having any fawns for a year.
  • Concealing teachable information from the herd.
    • Will result in the phae being asked to give up their information and share the reason why it was kept a secret. They will also be imprisoned in isolation on the Isle of Atonement for half a season.
  • Minor or accidental tampering with the temples.
    • Will result in the phae receiving a stern telling off, imprisonment in isolation on the Isle of Atonement for half a season, and they will be required to repair or return the defiled temple to its original state.
  • Bribery, blackmail, or any form of political manipulation.
    • Will result in imprisonment in isolation on the Isle of Atonement for a full year. These individual(s) shall also be forever banned from running for a position on the Council and may not participate in future elections.


Major Crimes & Associated Punishment

Should any phae commit a serious crime, they will be marked with a scar upon the right eye. Once a punishment has been fulfilled (so long as it is not execution), that phae will be marked with a second scar in the shape of an “X” to mark that their transgression has been crossed out. It is a symbol of reform, but also caution to those they encounter.

  • Grievous harm unto a fawn.
    • Will result in equal grievous harm upon the perpetrator as well as exile from the herd. These phae can never receive an X to mark their reform, and shall forever be marked for their wrong doing.
  • Grievous harm unto other adult phae.
    • Will result in marking with a slash and either exile or five years sentence to the Isle of Atonement. If exiled, the phae can never receive an X to mark their reform.
  • Selling information for personal gain that was learnt within the herd.
    • Will result in marking with a slash and permanent banishment from the Hall and the Temple. All herd members may not share any further information with these individuals. These perpetrators will face either exile or five years sentence to the Isle of Atonement. If exiled, the phae can never receive an X to mark their reform.
  • Whilst holding a position of power, trying to create a singular-ruler system.
    • Will result in immediate exile from the herd (marking with a slash – but are never to receive an X to mark their reform) or execution. 
  • Divulging being an inquisitor, the existence of inquisitors, or the role of inquisitors to anyone who should not be privy to that information.
    • Will result in marking with a slash and permanent banishment from the Hall and the Temple. All herd members may not share any further information with these individuals. These perpetrators will face either exile or five years sentence to the Isle of Atonement. If exiled, the phae can never receive an X to mark their reform.
  • Murder of another phae.
    • Will result in immediate exile from the herd (marking with a slash – but are never to receive an X to mark their reform) or execution. 


Means of Conviction

Phae accused of a crime will be subject to a public trial before the herd and the Council. During trials, members of the herd may present evidence of guilt or innocence. It is the job of the Council to weigh the evidence, determine guilt or innocence, and pass judgment upon them. After trial is complete and the sentence has been given, the convicted will be given into the care of the sentinels to ensure their punishment is carried out.


Means of Imprisonment

Mirroweld has an island dedicated to the imprisonment and reform of their criminals called the Isle of Atonement. Sentries specializing in mental magics are often assigned to watch over any criminals on this Isle and they are responsible for ensuring each respective sentence is carried out. 

Because of Mirroweld’s drastic change since the start of the Dark Age, other herds will occasionally send the worst of their criminals or repeat offenders to the Isle of Atonement to allow them a chance at reform. 

Physical violence is rarely used on this Isle, and the criminals are encouraged to follow intellectual pursuits. The only knowledge stored on the Isle is that meant to help expand the mind and contemplate the soul. Religious activities are encouraged, and study of the gods is considered one of the greatest ways to reform the soul.