Stat System (SS)
The stat point (SP) system is built to enable characters to gain stat points through role-play. The more stat points your character earns, the more skills they will be able to perform and the more fights they will be able to win! Both art and literature may be used to gain stat points! Only personal art and collaborations done by the phae’s owner may earn points towards the stat system. Commissions and gift art do not count for SP.
There are six skills that describe your character’s capabilities as well as Experience, which is a general measure of how many fights they have been in.
Physical Stats
Agility stats represent how well a phae fights using speed to their advantage and how fast they run.
- No Level
- No notable skill in agility.
- Basic
- Learn to become aware of surroundings.
- Becomes more flexible and nimble.
- Medium
- Can more easily balance when put in compromising situations (for example: walking on ice, taking a hit in a fight, or staying on one’s hooves when a boat is rocking)
- Can easily navigate familiar surroundings.
- Advanced
- Light of foot, but their hoofsteps can still be heard.
- Become steady footed and well balanced, making it hard to be knocked over.
- Can dodge close range attacks within a 2m distance.
- Master
- Extremely light of foot and can be hard to hear their footsteps coming.
- Can dodge close range attacks within a 1m distance.
- Can navigate almost any terrain with ease.
- Legendary
- Can dodge close range attacks within a 1/2m distance.
- Can easily sneak up on even the keenest of opponents or targets.
- Divine
- Determined on a case-by-case basis with Divine Circumstances.
Endurance stats represent how well a phae fights using endurance to their advantage and how far they can travel each day.
- No Level
- Can travel up to 4 km/day by foot.
- Can do up to one hour of swimming.
- Basic
- Can travel up to 7 km/day by foot.
- Can do up to 1 km of swimming.
- Can fight for up to half an hour per day.
- Medium
- Can travel up to 10 km/day by foot.
- Can swim up to 4 km/day.
- Can fight for up to two hours per day
- Advanced
- Can travel up to 12 km/day by foot.
- Can swim up to 6 km/day.
- Can fight for up to four hours per day.
- Master
- Can travel up to 16 km/day by foot.
- Can swim up to 8 km/day.
- Can fight for up to six hours per day.
- Legendary
- Can travel up to 20 km/day by foot.
- Can swim up to 10 km/day.
- Can fight for up to eight hours per day.
- Divine
- Determined on a case-by-case basis with Divine Circumstances.
Fortitude stats represent how well a phae can fight using strength to their advantage and how much they can carry, push, or pull.
- No Level
- Can move/pull/push items ¼ of body weight.
- Can vertically jump ½ of body height with ease.
- Basic
- Can move/pull/push items ½ of body weight
- Can vertically jump full body height with ease.
- Can jump horizontal distances up to 2m.
- Medium
- Can move/pull/push items of body weight.
- Can vertically jump 1 ½ times body height with ease.
- Can jump horizontal distances up to 3m.
- Advanced
- Can move/pull/push items at 2 times body weight.
- Can vertically jump 2 times body height with ease.
- Can jump horizontal distances up to 4m.
- Master
- Can move/pull/push items at 3 times body weight
- Can jump horizontal distances up to 5m.
- Legendary
- Can move/pull/push items at 5 times body weight.
- Can jump horizontal distances up to 7m.
- Divine
- Determined on a case-by-case basis with Divine Circumstances.
Mental Stats
Magic stats represent how capable a phae is at manipulating arcane energies. Magic stats apply to every magic type that a phae might have regardless of their herd.
- For an explanation of the different magic types phae may have and what they can do at each level, check out the Magic webpage.
Herbology stats represent how knowledgeable a phae is concerning the plants of Elaphaea and their medicinal or harmful properties.
- No Level
- Can begin learning types of herbs and their uses.
- Basic
- Can create remedies to soothe bruises, scrapes and mild scratches on the body’s surface with simple herbs.
- Can create poultices to ease mild pains and discomfort.
- Can create poultices to ease the effects of mild illnesses and diseases.
- Medium
- Can create remedies to speed up the body’s natural healing process for small open or bleeding wounds (-1 day to heal)
- Can create poultices to ease moderate pains and discomforts.
- Can create poultices to combat mild toxins and poisons.
- Can create poultices to ease the effects of moderate illnesses and diseases.
- Advanced
- Can create remedies to speed up the body’s natural healing process for small open or bleeding wounds (-4 day to heal)
- Can create remedies to speed up the body’s natural healing process for medium open or bleeding wounds (-2 day to heal)
- Can create poultices to ease extreme pains and discomforts.
- Can create poultices to combat moderate toxins and poisons.
- Can create poultices to ease the effects of severe illnesses and diseases.
- Master
- Can create remedies to speed up the body’s natural healing process to heal small open or bleeding wounds within one day of injury.
- Can create remedies to speed up the body’s natural healing process for medium open or bleeding wounds (-4 day to heal)
- Can create remedies to speed up the body’s natural healing process for large open or bleeding wounds (-2 day to heal)
- Can create poultices to ease internal injuries or discomforts
- Can create poultices to combat severe toxins and poisons.
- Can create poultices to almost negate the effects of severe illnesses and diseases.
- Legendary
- Can create remedies to speed up the body’s natural healing process to heal medium open or bleeding wounds within two days of injury.
- Can create remedies to speed up the body’s natural healing process for large open or bleeding wounds (-5 day to heal)
- Can create poultices to negate almost all severe toxins and poisons.
- Divine
- Determined on a case-by-case basis with Divine Circumstances.
Crafting stats represent how knowledgeable a phae is at using materials from the world around them to make complex or useful items. Phae gain base materials through roleplays that can be used to craft all kinds of items! Each time a roleplay is accepted into the group, a mod will leave individual comments on the piece with the items each featured character rolled. For a character to use these materials to craft an item, players must submit a lit/art deviation to the group on deviantart and fill out the RoE Crafting Submission Form.
To see a complete list of base items and items that can be crafted each stat level, check out the TEA Crafting Guide.
- No Level
- Can make small, flimsy paper or wooden crafts.
- Basic
- Can create basic crafted goods.
- Can create basic alcohol.
- Medium
- Can create more complex crafted goods.
- Can create complex alcohol.
- Can do basic metalworking.
- Can create simple jewelry.
- Advanced
- Can create advanced crafted goods.
- Can create advanced alcohol.
- Can do more complex metal working.
- Can create more complex jewelry.
- Can create simple travel contraptions.
- Master
- Can create complex jewelry.
- Can create complex instruments.
- Can create complex travel contraptions.
- Can create complex alcohol.
- Can shape precious stones.
- Can create complex armor.
- Legendary
- Can create extremely complex armor apparel.
- Can create extremely complex instruments.
- Can create extremely complex travel contraptions.
- Divine
- Determined on a case-by-case basis with Divine Circumstances.
Earning Stat Points
Phae earn stat points through drawn or written roleplays by their player! In order to earn a particular stat, the phae should be shown either attempting or doing an action that would gain them stat points. In other words, the roleplay should be active towards gaining said stat. For example, to earn stat points for magic, a phae must be shown studying magic, wielding magic, or attempting to wield magic. Any piece that displays active intent or demonstrates the stat outright will earn points!
Art Base Points:
+1 SP for headshots
+2 SP for partial body
+3 SP for full body
Literature Base Points:
+1 SP per 300 words
For example:
+1 points for 300-599 words
+2 points for 600-899 words
+3 points for 900-1199 words
+4 points for 1200-1499 words
. . . and so on!
Bonus Points: (stacks on both art & literature base points)
+1 SP for collaborations
+1 SP for training, sparring, or fighting with an NPC or creature
+1 SP for training, sparring, or fighting with another character of a lower stat level
+2 SP for training, sparring, or fighting with another character of the same stat level
+3 SP for training, sparring, or fighting with another character of a higher stat level
Experience is gained through practical experience in fights. The purpose of experience is to be the deciding factor in the event of a tie when two phae are fighting. Experience is accumulated through fights with other characters and some group event prompts. Fights with NPC phae and creatures do not count towards gaining experience.
Earning Experience
Remember, experience can only be earned in fights with another player’s character! Experience cannot be earned through another of your own characters, an NPC, or creature.
+0 EXP for fighting with an NPC, my own character, or a creature
+1 EXP for your character fighting with another character and losing
+2 EXP for your character fighting with another character and winning
Group Prompts:
+1 EXP where specified by the event (always provide a link to both the piece and the event)
Art Piece Requirements
Each roleplay image must be colored or have clean lineart and must have at least a simple background. All art pieces are required to have a background. Backgrounds may be self-drawn, premade backgrounds or photo manipulations, the latter two requiring appropriate credits. All art must be created in-part (collab) or in full by the owner of the phae to earn points. Backgrounds should not be reused and should have several distinct elements – a gradient or solid colored background does not count.
While we do not allow sheets to collect SP (several unrelated images on a single page to earn SP), we do allow for comics! In comics, each panel is counted as a separate piece as long as it follows the other rules listed above for art pieces and displays a continuous story.
Art and literature can be combined to earn SP. In this case, the bonus points do not stack, but count collectively across the art and literature pieces.
Literature Piece Requirements
In order to earn points from a role-play, it must be at least 300 words. The stat points earned through writing are gained by all characters who play a significant role in the piece. A significant role would be something which would change the piece in a drastic way if they were not there. For example, two characters who go on a walk together and have a conversation would earn full stat points but a character who is merely mentioned as they pass by would not gain stat points. For example, say you write a solo literature piece that is 2,500 words with two active characters, and a third character who makes a brief appearance. 2,500 words earns 8 points. The two prominent characters would both earn +8 stat points, but the third character would earn +0 stat points since they were only mentioned.
In role-plays between multiple players, the word count applies to your own writing, not the entirety of the piece. In stories written by a single player, the stat points can be earned by all phae who play a significant part in the story, which means they must actively influence the flow of the story and the story would not be the same if they were removed.
Art and literature can be combined to earn stat points. In this case, the bonus points do not stack, but count collectively across the art and literature pieces.
Stat Point Levels
Basic = 0 to 19 stat points
Medium = 20 to 39 stat points
Advanced = 40 to 59 stat points
Master = 60 to 79 stat points
Legendary = 80 to 100 stat points
Divine = 101 to 120 (only attainable through Divine Circumstances)
Age Caps
As phae age, their bodies become more or less able to perform physical or mental tasks. Depending on a phae’s age, they will have access to different levels of skill as listed below. Alternatively, here is a chart talking about age in phae and how it relates to skills.
0-2 = No Level
3-4 = Basic
5-9 = Medium
10-14 = Advanced
15-19 = Master
20-29 = Legendary
30-35 = Master
36-40 = Advanced
41-45 = Medium
46-50 = Basic
Base Stats
Each build has base physical stat points assigned. These stats should be used as a base for both starters and fawns.
Agility |
Endurance |
Fortitude |
Slight | 15 | 12 | 8 |
Lean | 14 | 13 |
8 |
Balanced | 10 | 15 | 10 |
Sturdy | 8 | 13 | 14 |
Stocky | 8 | 12 | 15 |
Starter Stat Bonus
Starters gain an additional advantage of +25 stat points to be allocated at the player’s discretion into any physical or mental stat. The stats may be allocated in as few or as many points as desired. Only starters may add these additional points. Fawns will not receive any stat bonuses.
Build Stat Caps
Each build also has a maximum number of stat points they can gain for each physical skill and may not earn any more points than the caps listed below. Mental stats have no build caps.
Agility |
Endurance |
Fortitude | |
Slight | 100 | 85 | 65 |
Lean | 90 | 90 | 70 |
Balanced | 75 | 100 | 75 |
Sturdy | 70 | 90 | 90 |
Stocky | 65 | 85 | 100 |