Stonemire Ranks & Special Positions

Ranks in Stonemire are based upon the effort of the individual and their chosen specialization. While many rank types will remain within families, there is nothing stopping a phae from becoming any sort of rank (except potential family disapproval).

General Ranks


Bairn are the young of the herd who have not yet passed the Travail.


0 to 7 years of age

No stat requirement



Doernemed are herd members who do not have a set rank. However, a member of the herd would be expected to move out of this rank within two or three years, as not having a job or contributing to the herd is seen as weak.


5+ years of age  (must pass their Travail)

No stat requirement


Rank Sub-ranks:


Cleireach are the merchants of Stonemire. They are responsible for most of the trade coming in and out of the herd.


Age 10+

Advanced level in crafting


Craith are the master crafters of Stonemire. They are responsible for creating any non-metal goods that the merchants take and trade. Craith may also do direct trading, and as such are half merchants themselves.


Age 10+

Advanced level in crafting


Bhards are the entertainers of Stonemire. They are responsible for bringing light in dark times and telling great tales of the past. Many of them love to recant the tale of S’ral raising the mountains.


Age 5+ (must pass their Travail)

No stat requirement


Caregivers are tasked with assisting families in the raising of fawns. They can be fawnsitters, wet-mothers, or just any phae who loves caring for fawns.


Age 5+ (must pass their Travail)

No stat requirement


Brewers are masters of creating alcoholic beverages.


Age 5+ (must pass their Travail)

No stat requirement



Miners are the starting rank for phae who want to enter into the metal-working and trading industry. Miners work the mines to extract the ore.


5+ years of age  (must pass their Travail)

No stat requirements


Rank Sub-ranks:


Blacksmiths specialize in the refining of metal into ore. Blacksmiths might make some tools, but finer works are left to the Artificers and Jewelers. Most ore, gems, and precious metals pass through the Blacksmith’s hooves to be refined and distributed.


Age 10+

Advanced Fortitude

Advanced Crafting


Armorer specialize in the working of ore into tools and weapons. They are some of the most skilled crafters in the herd and are among the most respected ranks.


Age 15+

Master Crafting


Goldsmiths specialize in the working of ore and gemstones into jewelry. They are some of the most skilled crafters in the herd and are among the most respected ranks.


Age 15+

Master Crafting



Pathfinders are usually phae who enjoy adventure, danger, and challenge. They are the members of the herd who forge new paths through the mountains. They know the land better than anyone. Starting pathfinders will often study under the guidance of more specialized ranks.


Age 5+ (must pass their Travail)


Rank Sub-ranks:


Scabhta are the scouts of the herd. They lead the way in seeking out new paths and trails, especially in the heart of Frosthold when the snow is deepest.


Age 10+

Advanced endurance


The watchers are responsible for guarding and lighting the beacons at the three highest peaks. They keep an eye on the border with Tundra to the North and Jungle to the South and light their beacons when necessary to signal for help. These phae are among the hardiest in the herd, and they live in the roughest conditions.


Age 10+

Advanced endurance



Kern are the starting soldier rank in Stonemire. These are phae who are interested in physical mastery. Only the strong succeed in the military, and even Kern must be prepared for difficult physical challenges at all times.


5+ years of age (must pass their Travail)

No stat requirement


Rank Sub-ranks:


Colg are attack specialists. They know best how to get around the defenses of other phae, and often use their strength to overpower their foes.


10+ years of age

Advanced in fortitude or endurance


Berserker are attack and defensive specialists. They will use both tactics to their advantage and are generally the most advanced fighters in Stonemire.


15+ years of age

Master in any physical stat



Druids in Stonemire are phae that are interested in spiritual, natural, and historic matters. Young druids will often study under a more specialized druid rank, though some who prefer to be a jack-of-all trades might happily remain a Druid.


5+ years of age (must pass their Travail)

No stat requirement


Rank Sub-ranks:


Faidh are the seers of the herd, specifically focussed on watching and predicting the weather. They are mystical phae who are in-tune with nature.


10+ years of age

No stat requirement


Worgs are also druids who are in-tune with nature, but they tend to focus on animals or plants. Worgs can be tamers or herbologists, depending on their preference.


10+ years of age

Advanced in herbology (for herbal focus) or advanced in a physical stat (for tamer focus)


Daimh are druids who are interested in preserving the history of the herd. They are also seen as religious leaders, as they are well-versed with the lore concerning S’ral.


10+ years of age

No stat requirement



Phae who choose to live among other herds, but still claim loyalty to Stonemire. They will often report back on the political goings on of the other herds to their Ard Tiarna or Tanist.


Age 10+

Advanced level in two physical or mental stats



Special Positions

Ard Tiarna

The Ard Tiarna is the head of Stonemire. They are usually the strongest phae in the herd and their position is won through trials and battle. They are responsible for the guidance and protection of the herd, and are expected to put all else before themselves. May be held by any gender.


15+ years of age

One master level physical stat and two advanced level stats (at least one more must be physical)

Must pass all leadership trials.


Current position holder:

NPC Egon



The Tanist is second to the Ard Tiarna. It is their responsibility to provide support to the Ard Tiarna. It is not uncommon for the Ard Tiarna to have previously been a Tanist. This position is usually viewed as a training period for the next leader, but it is not always the case that the Tiarna was previously a Tanist.


15+ years of age

One master level physical stat 

One advanced level in any other stat

Must have passed at least one leadership trial


Current position holder:

NPC Ceit



The Vate is elected from among the ranks of the Druids. They are seen as both a spiritual and moral compass for the herd. It is the duty of the Vate to hold tests for the Ard Tiarna and to pass the instructions of the Ard Tiarna down through the ranks of the Druids. It is uncommon to see a Vate take the Ard Tiarna position, but it does happen on occasion.


15+ years of age

One master level physical stat 

One advanced level in any other stat


Current position holder:

NPC Iàcob



The Maor is elected from among the ranks of the Miners. They are often extremely wealthy as well as skilled. It is not uncommon for them to have previously been a Goldsmith or Armorer. It is the duty of the Maor to pass the instructions of the Ard Tiarna through the ranks as well as overseeing all new constructions or currently active mines. They manage the flow of ore and jewels, and act as a sort of treasurer for the herd.


15+ years of age

One master level crafting

One advanced level in any physical stat


Current position holder:

NPC Manas



The Paladin is elected from among the ranks of the Kern. They are usually the most skilled fighter in the herd with many battles to their name. It is their duty to pass the instructions of the Ard Tiarna through the ranks and to oversee all training and guidance of the Kern.


15+ years of age

One master level physical stat 

One advanced level in any physical stat


Current position holder:

NPC Name



The Cosáin is elected from among the ranks of the Pathfinder. They are an experienced path walker themself and often lead by example. The Cosáin is in charge of pursuing paths through the snow in Frosthold and often accompanies the Ard Tiarna on any missions away from the Redoubt.


15+ years of age

One master level physical stat and one advanced level in another physical stat


Current position holder:

NPC Eilidh



How to Apply for or Challenge a Special Position

In the event that a special position holder becomes inactive, are deemed unsuitable for leadership, die, or come to the end of their term(s), their position is open to be challenged!

The Ard Tiarna and Tanist can be challenged at any point in time, as the herd believes that the strongest of heart and mind must always be their leaders and protectors. To be eligible to challenge the current Ard Tiarna or Tanist, certain Trials must be completed.

The Vate, Maor, Paladin, and Cosáin are elected positions chosen by the herd. Elections are held every 3 years, and during an election all positions may be challenged. Positions may also only be held for a maximum of two terms (six years total).

See the Special Positions webpage to view current leaders’ activity levels, to find out if any special positions are open, and to read on the process of initiating a special positions challenge.